I am something that makes the new moon shine in the night sky,I am also what causes high tides &Low tides to. I am in the milky way of course. I am the center of the solar system But compared to all of the other stars in the solar systems i am only a small star. I am bigger than the white dwarfs but smaller than the super giants but I am the most important to mainly the Milky-way because i send off radiation to the other surrounding Planets. the closest planet to me is Mercury. This is the order of the plants closest to me to farthest of me. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. There use to be a planet called Plano but know it is not apart of the solar system. All of the planets revolve around me in a big oval form.High tides are formed when the moon and I take a gravitational pull on the Earth’s currents. My radiation gives off enough heat to balance the temperatures on the earth. The earth revolves around me and it takes about 365 days and1/4 that is a long time to go all the way around me.but for the earth to spin on it axis it only to about 28 days. so the only planet that people how that has human form is Earth. Earth is a pretty blue green planet i bet that if I were to stand on the land at night i would be able to see what space looks like from there because sometimes it gets boring to only what space looks like from space it’s self. Even though the solar system is really big i can see as far as i want . But i think that it would be really cool to be like a Really big star as beattleguease (Beatle juice) have you guessed what I am I am the SUN!